v7.2 [May 4, 2013]
- The dot-plot feature for pairwise sequence comparison was brought back by request from a user (Under Sequence->Pairwise alignment->Dot Plot (pairwise comparison).
- Taxonomy mapping from sequence title was brought back under Sequence->Phylogeny / Taxonomy->Extract Taxonomy->(three mapping options). Only bacterial and viral taxonomies are supported by default, but a custom table can be made by opening the file ‹BioEdit›\tables\ Bacterial_phylogeny.tab or ‹BioEdit›\tables\ Viral_Phylogeny.tab, copying the contents into MS Excel, and creating a custom table according to the same general template, then saving the custom file as a tab-delimited file. If time permits, an auto-map of taxonomy from NCBI may be added in the future for convenience.